Respect for KMHA Volunteers, News, Major Bantam House League, 2010-2011 (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 06, 2011 | robins | 682 views
Respect for KMHA Volunteers
If you are a volunteer for KMHA I applaud you for your dedication and time!

If you are not a volunteer for KMHA you need to read this article!

It has come to my attention that many KMHA volunteer coaches and staff have been regarded as "Unacceptable" or "no Good" through word-of-mouth and other sources which just feeds on the negativity you as parents have complained about for many years.
Volunteers are those who step up to the plate to take on an adventure for the sake of your children that want to play hockey. Some have been volunteers for years and some are new each and every year.
Volunteers are not paid and spend many hours behind the bench for your kids. They may not be perfect, however, they are there doing the best they can with the players they have.
Volunteers new or seasoned need support and dedication from all kids on the team and all parents especially those whose kids cannot drive themselves to their games or practices. Please remember some of the volunteers may be brand new. Please offer this help to them instead of complaining about how terrible they are.
Coaches appreciate all the help they can receive!

You as the parent have a responsibility to help get your child to their game or practice. The website provides all games and practice schedules and yes we have been thru some growing pains for our new website, however, it is only one click away to sign up to received notifications for all game changes or practices.

The main complaint we hear year after year is the loss of practice time each new level of hockey your child progresses to. The practice ice is paid by you the parent in your registration fee and yet with each time we hear this complaint we continue to see very low attendance at all levels of hockey year after year for team practices. The average team roster is no more than 17 players, however the average turn out for team practices is 6 players. Volunteer coaches cannot conduct an effective training practice with half their team. Only you as parent can make this change. Discuss options with your coaching staff of your child's team.

The only way to stop breeding negativity to our volunteer system is to tackle the situation or concern head on. Doing or saying something behind someone's back is not the right way to handle these concerns at all. Talk to your coaching staff, the convenor of your division, or the Director of your division. Communication is the key and is more effective if done on a more personal and professional manner. Remember to do all your homework first before you make a judgment. One cannot assume anything. You need to ask questions and offer to learn more and offer to help the situation.

If you are totally unhappy with the Coach of your child's team, we have Coaches applications on-line and at the hockey office for you to fill out and join our Volunteer system!