Kids being Kids, News, Minor Peewee Blue, 2010-2011, MD (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 26, 2010 | Jeff Rumble | 860 views
Kids being Kids
I would like to congratulate the boys on a well played tournament this past weekend in Pittsburgh. Although we didn't come out on top in our games the boys will remember the swimming and nerf gun fights forever. They bonded well together and isn't funny...when I asked about 5 or 6 boys what they like about the weekend none of them mentioned was all about being with new friends and having fun. As parents we need to take a step back and enjoy the fact that all our boys are able to play hockey and develop friendships that may last for their entire lifetime. this will not last forever!!

Coach Jeff