YEAR-END TOURNAMENT TIME, News, Vikings, HL-U13, 2021-2022, HL (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 22, 2022 | Kevin Gentile | 78 views
Hello once again Vikings!
We have enjoyed a FABULOUS (albeit shortened) season with all players and families in Vikings Nation, and we hope you feel the same way.
The KMHA Year-End Tournament is now upon us. One last chance to play together as Vikings and show what a full-team effort can do.  1st to the puck, clear the zone, skating, passing, and rebounds are all a part of Vikings DNA.  Work hard and have fun out there this week everyone.
VIKINGS ON THREE....1...2...3...VIKINGS!!!