Updated Roster, News, U16 AAA (2006), AAA (Pavilion), 2021-2022, REP (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 11, 2021 | Tyler Bracken | 924 views
Updated Roster
Great skate tonight all. Please note that if your 3 digit number is below you will be moving on with us at this time.

There is a game tomorrow Sun, Sept 12, 2021 in Guelph at 5:30pm. (Arena - University of Guelph - GOLD). Will will be finalizing the roster and send it out tomorrow, reminder if you are not playing tomorrow we do expect you to be at the rink. 

701 709 720 727
702 710 721 729
703 711 722 732
705 713 723 733
706 716 724 735
707 717 725 746
708 718 726

Please see the COVID protocols for the University of Guelph arena below

Facility Protocols

As facilities prepare for a return to typical hockey season activities, there will be different ice capacities and
entry/use protocols in use at the University of Guelph and City operated arenas.
Please review the following so that you can be prepared to enter the University of Guelph arena:

University of Guelph

 Follow the signage posted inside and outside of the facility.
 All visitors, this includes players and only one parent/guardian per family can attend, are
required to complete the University of Guelph COVID-19 Screening Form each day prior to arrival.
 All visitors to the University campus are required to wear a face covering, both indoors and
 Participants may enter the facility 15 minutes prior to your ice time and must depart within 15
minutes of completion of your ice time.
 All participants will enter through the Red Rink sliding doors, regardless of which rink they are
 Once you have entered the lobby, proceed to your identified change room(s).
 Participants must exit the facility through the side door of their rink. (See attached diagram.)
 A maximum of 15 people is permitted in each dressing room at any given time.
 Extra chairs will be safety distanced throughout each rink for those who prefer not to enter
dressing rooms.
 Washrooms in dressing rooms will be available.
 Showers are not permitted.
 On-ice capacity is limited to 30 participants for practices, 45 participants for organized game play,
and 45 participants for tryouts (September 2021).
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