Evaluations - What You Need to Know Before Friday, News, U8 MD Blue (2014), BB/B (formerly Minor Development), 2021-2022, REP (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 21, 2021 | Josh Bedard | 530 views
Evaluations - What You Need to Know Before Friday
Name Tags
Please write your child’s first name on a piece of white hockey tape and place it on the front of their helmet. This will allow our on-ice helpers to address each player by their first name.

Proof of Vaccination
Please have your proof of full vaccination printed on paper or saved on your phone to show the arena ambassador at the door. Anyone over the age of 12 will require proof of vaccination. For those unable to attend due to this policy please have your player fully dressed and call me on my cell phone. I will meet you at the door and sign your player in.

Digital Health Screening
Please complete the mandatory health screening via the Sportsheadz app or website. If you screening is not complete you will not be allowed in the arena.

Please arrive 30 minutes before your first ice time. When you arrive, please look for the sign-in table. At sign in players will be given a jersey pinnie with a number on them. This number will allow for each child to be evaluated by our off-ice volunteers. Please do not tuck in your pinnie and make sure the number on it is visible. Player’s must sign in prior to every ice time.

Unique IDs

At sign-in you will be given a unique ID number. This number will allow all player selections and release to remain anonymous on the team website. Player releases will begin after the third ice-time (Sunday September 26th). Unique player ID numbers will be posted for the individuals that will be carrying on in the tryout process. If your unique ID has not been posted it means the player has been released from the program and will continue with House-League evaluations which start on October 2nd. Any players that are released and would like feedback can reach out to me via email.

Dressing Rooms
Dressing rooms are available 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after each ice-time. Please try to leave the dressing rooms as soon as possible so that arena staff can sanitize them prior to the next ice time. Players are to sit no closer than 6’ from one another and face masks are to be worn in the dressing rooms. Players may remove their mask when they put on their helmet. Anyone else in the dressing room must wear their masks at all times. Please note, if the dressing room is at maximum capacity (all spots identified with an "x" are occupied) players will need to get ready in the chairs outside the dressing room.

Water Bottles
Please remember to bring a water bottle and have it filled. Players are responsible for taking them on the ice and placing them on the bench. Leaving the Arena Please remember to return your player’s pennie before you leave the arena. Pinnies will be redistributed at sign in for every evaluation.

Should you have any concerns regarding evaluations or with the program in general, please don’t hesitate to contact me. This program requires a great deal of commitment (and early morning weekday practices) by all parents and players. Should you have any concerns on whether or not you want to take a part in the program or are only attending for the ice time I would like to know prior to the first releases on Sunday afternoon.

A reminder if your child has any interest in playing net at all this season, please let me know ASAP and arrangements can be made so that they can participate in all tryouts as goalie or have an opportunity to try net in at least one of the evaluation ice times.

Skills Evaluations
Friday and Saturday’s ice times consist of skill stations. These stations have been designed to allow the evaluation team to fairly asses each player’s skill level. The skill stations will be the same for all sessions to allow players to build on each repetition and have the opportunity to put their best foot forward in tryouts. The practice plan for each session will be shared with all parents via email so that they know what the evaluation team is looking for in each station. As well if you feel your child may struggle with a particular station, this will give you the opportunity to review it with them in advance.

Lastly, this is your player's first tryout please make it a a fun and enjoyable experience for them.

All the best and looking forward to meeting everyone this weekend.

Coach Josh