Game 19 Recap, News, Eagles, HL-U15, 2022-2023, HL (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

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Mar 18, 2023 | Cory Price | 223 views
Game 19 Recap
Play-off Game #7
Sunday March 12th
Eagles VS Giants

Well we’re facing the Giants.  We haven’t played them since our finals at the Jason Cripps Tournament.  So with the old rivals meeting up after a long break, it was bound to be a great game.

First period was high energy and fast paced.  Not until 50 seconds left on the clock when Eagles #6 Ruth scored a great shot on net from the point and opened the scoring.  With 9 seconds left the Giants answered with one of their own, to finish out the first period tied at one.

There were lots of goals going down during the second period.  At 9:47 #66 Nanuti started us off, then at 8:27 #11 Bell buried one in the top shelf, assisted by #9 Hancock.  The Giants then scored their second goal of the game.  Then with 26 seconds left on the clock #66 Nanuti broke in on the wing and went behind the net for a wrap-around attempt, the puck popped out where #77 Godfrey poked it in the net, scoring our 4th goal.

Third period generated more penalties than it did goals, but the Eagles were still able to bury two more, to finish out the game with the win!  At 6:28 #9 Hancock, assisted by #66 Nanuti and again at 1:59, #66 Nanuti.

Final Score: 6-2 Eagles

Later in the locker room there were 3 Player of the Game Pylons handed out.  The first to #6 Ruth for scoring a beauty of a goal and playing solid defense.  The second to #77 Godfrey for playing a great positional game and scoring a great rebound goal. And last, #4 Price for playing a great defensive game and making some great plays at the blue line.