U14 BB/B – BLUE Update Ep 1, News, U14 BB/B Blue (2009), BB/B (formerly Minor Development), 2022-2023, REP (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 10, 2022 | David Frazer | 369 views
U14 BB/B – BLUE Update Ep 1
Read on to get updates on: pictures, tailgate potluck and a new practice 


We’re taking individual and team photos this Wednesday.   Please bring your blue (home) jersey and blue performance game socks for the picture.  Please arrive 45 minutes prior to practice to make sure we have time to get fully dressed and then take the individual photos.   At the start of practice, we’ll take the group shot and get on with the practice.  You can select the package you like.


Potluck Tailgate

We’re looking forward to having a tailgate Potluck after our Saturday game on the weekend.  Check the Telegram group chat for sign up.  We’re going to party parking lot style following the game against Sarnia (likely our toughest test).


Practice Added

A reminder we added an additional practice on Thursday Oct 13 at Lions Arena at 6pm.   Always check the website here to stay current on our schedule.