COVID19/Arena protocols
As with all communities in Ontario, COVID 19 has made changes to how we are playing the game. We hope that you will bear with us during this year's tournament as we navigate the waters of COVID 19 and return our players to the game they love in the way that closest resembles the way it was played before.
All Facilities in the City of Kitchener require the following. (Visiting teams are required to Actively Screen players. Active screening will be done by completing the City of Kitchener screening form with your attendees. Upon completion and submission, the form will act as proof of active screening and fill the role of contact tracing. Your team may fill the form out prior to EACH game/event. Included on the form are players, coaching staff, spectators and anyone else attending with your team. Visiting teams will appoint a team representative who is required to submit the form and inform the City of Kitchener Ambassador that all people on the list are screened. The team representative will then identify anyone on the list to the ambassador so the ambassador can vaccine check them. Anyone not on the form or with the home team will be required to screen and contact trace once all team affiliated entrants are accounted for. By completing the form prior to each game it is meant to expedite entry for the teams. Please place a line through anyone that changed attendance status to absent last minute. Late additions will need to screen later with non team attendees. Players will be allowed to enter according to current vaccination check requirements. (only those players 18 years and older) and proceed to the dressing room while coaching staff and spectators will still be required to display their proof of vaccination (12 years of age and older). Teams not completing the form in advance and without a representative to identify those that have been screened, will need to complete a screening form at the same time as non team affiliated participants prior to entry, including players. This may cause delays in your entry time prior to games so please conduct yourself accordingly.) Each team is responsible to ensure that people failing the screening do not attend or are identified to the City of Kitchener Ambassador or a tournament convener. FIND THE DOCUMENT HERE
Home teams will use the approved KMHA Screening tool (Sportsheadz) and must ensure all spectators that are not guardians are listed as guests. Home teams must as well provide a team representative to ensure that all people entering the building have been actively screened prior to entering. If a person is not with your team or on your screening list they must be identified to the City of Kitchener Ambassador for screening.
Dressing Room Access: Dressing rooms are available for use by teams with no COVID capacity limits and showers are open for use as well.
Hygiene: Please remind all people attending with your teams that hand hygiene (washing or using sanitizer) is key to limiting the spread of infection.
Entry into Facilities in Kitchener
Entry and Egress
Capacity |
Activa Sportsplex
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per team |
Sportsworld Twin Pad
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per team |
Grand River Arena
30 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per team |
Don McLaren Arena
30 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per team |
Lions Arena
30 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per Team |
Kitchener Memorial Aud Complex
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per Team |
Masks are required at all times within ALL facilities. The only exception is when the players enter the playing surface. Masks in the dressing rooms before and after are REQUIRED. All bench staff are required to wear their masks at all times including on the bench during the games. Spectators are asked to please maintain physical distancing inside the facilities.
Proof of vaccination: All spectators over the age of 12 (born in 2009 or earlier) and all participants (players, coaches, officials) over the age of 18 years of age entering the facility, must show proof of FULL vaccination and accompanying Identification (ie. Drivers License etc.). Players between the age of 12 and 18 are governed by your Hockey Branch’s (Alliance, OMHA, GTHL) Policy.