Against the Odds, The Generals Stand Strong!, News, Generals, Minor Atom House League, 2010-2011 (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 05, 2011 | Steve Todd | 843 views
Against the Odds, The Generals Stand Strong!
Unlike the last couple of games, today the Generals showed up to play, and they played hard.

The Generals knew they would be in deep today against the Knights; we were down 3 players and 3 coaches, and 1 goalie.  The Knights also seem to be strengthening as a unit late in the season and wouldn't go down without a fight.

Wow, the Generals did not disappoint!  While we didn't have enough for 2 lines, Josh B rounded out the forwards so we didn't have to double-shift.  But with only 3 defensemen, we had some pretty tired players by the end of the game.

One thing I've noticed about the Generals - we win as a team, lose as a team, and tie as a team.  While some teams don't gel and wouldn't be able to pull off a game missing 4 teammates and 3 coaches, the short-handed Generals rallied from a 1 - 0 deficit to tie it up and hold the Knights off. This game was similar to the ones a few weeks ago - lots of passing, backchecking, setting up plays, etc.

A tale of two Joshes - Josh H scored the lone, unassisted goal for the Generals, by intercepting a pass from the Knights defense.  Way to go Josh!

Also a big hats off to Josh B for stepping up to play forward small feat for any defenseman, but when we are that short-handed it becomes a much bigger task.

Way to go goaltender Ethan - you did awesome!

Thanks to the stand-in coaches for helping out!

Next Saturday we play the Platers...this will be a really tough test for the Generals, but after seeing the level of play & energy today it seems like we are ready to take on the challenge!

Way to go Generals!