Pink Stick Challenge!, News, Rock, HL-U14, 2021-2022, HL (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 09, 2022 | Dwayne Dewit | 80 views
Pink Stick Challenge!
February 23, 2022, is Pink Shirt Day!  What is Pink Shirt Day?  The last Wednesday of February is recognized nationally as an anti-bullying day, and raises awareness of the problem of bullying in our homes, workplaces, schools, and, yes, on the ice.

Since we do not have hockey on February 23, 2022, I am asking for all the players and coaches on our Rock family to tape their sticks pink for the weekend of February 26th & 27th, to help raise awareness of Pink Shirt Day.  I have also issued a challenge to the other teams in our league (Aces, Jaguars, Raiders, and Roadrunners), to do the same!

Let's help put an end to bullying, and instead help and stand up for each other, on and off the ice!

Thanks for your support, everyone!

Coach Dwayne