Ep15 – Times for G&G, Sunday’s Game, Coach Fraze, Extra Practice, Play Off format, News, U13 MD Blue (2009), BB/B (formerly Minor Development), 2021-2022, REP (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 03, 2022 | David Frazer | 366 views
Ep15 – Times for G&G, Sunday’s Game, Coach Fraze, Extra Practice, Play Off format
We’ll tackle a few loose ends here in this episode including your time slot for G&G on Friday, some extra ice and the playoffs

Evening Jr Ranger Enthusiasts!

Read on to find your time slot for G&G on Friday, a word on some extra ice and the playoff format.


Don’t forget G&G this Friday!  Check here for your time slot (same as last week).   Likely a good time for a good sharpen too after the treadmill to get all ready for a couple spirited games on the weekend.  Times start as early as 4:25pm tomorrow.  Let’s make full use of the training.


Sunday’s Game

Looks like they had to shift Sunday’s game around a bit on us.  So, just in case you jotted it down in a paper calendar somewhere, it has been moved to 12:15pm.  Full schedule is here.


Extra Practice

We managed to get some more ice at CIF.  We know the location and parking isn’t ideal, but ice is at such a premium we’ll take anything we can get.  The office has been really helpful in getting extra ice when it is available.  It will show up on the schedule once permit has been approved, but please hold Thursday March 10 at 6pm


Coach Fraze

The Frazers are headed for a little R&R.  We even scheduled it around the hockey schedule to minimize the time away.   Wolfe and Scotty have things in great order and will manage the Waterloo game on the 12th.  Let’s hope for a repeat performance against Waterloo!



A few parents have been asking about the play down format.  The top two teams in the Alliance East/Central advance to the Alliance.  To see how teams qualify for the championships, check here.   There’s only 34 days until the Championships in early April.  Nothing is posted yet, but outline can be found here.


That’s all for now.  A couple tough games (well they’re all tough!) so rest up after G&G and let’s “BELIEVE” and bring our best selves to the rink on the weekend!

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