COVID/Arena protocols
As with all communities in Ontario COVID 19 has made changes to how we are playing the game. We hope that you will bear with us during this year's tournament as we navigate the waters of COVID 19 and return our players to the game they love in the way that closest resembles the way it was played before.
All Facilities require the following. (Each team is responsible to Health Screen their own players and spectators. This must be tracked. Each team is responsible to contact trace their own spectators including contact phone numbers. This must be tracked. At the request of KMHA or Public health this information must be shared. (KMHA will only request this information on behalf of public health should the need arise.) Each team is responsible to ensure that people failing the screening are not permitted to enter the building.
Dressing Room Access Limited Each arena has had the dressing rooms measured by the City of Kitchener and a limit has been posted. Please arrive at the arena as dressed as possible to play Hockey. Turns will need to be taken in the arena to prepare or use of chairs in the hallway is available.
Hygiene Please remind all people attending with your teams that hand hygiene (washing or using sanitizer) is key to limiting the spread of infection.
Showers There is no access to showers at any City of Kitchener facility.
Entry Differs by facility
Entry and Egress
Capacity |
Activa Sportsplex
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per team |
Sportsworld Twin Pad
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per team |
Grand River Arena
15 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per team |
Don McLaren Arena
15 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per team |
Lions Arena
15 minutes before and after
40 Spectators per Team |
Kitchener Memorial Aud Complex
30 minutes before and after
100 Spectators per Team |
Masks are required at all times within ALL facilities. The only exception is when the players enter the playing surface. Masks in the dressing rooms before and after are REQUIRED. All bench staff are required to wear their masks at all times including on the bench during the games. Spectators are asked to please maintain physical distancing inside the facilities.
Proof of vaccination: All spectators over the age of 12 (born in 2009 or earlier) and all participants (players, coaches, officials) over the age of 18 years of age entering the facility, must show proof of FULL vaccination and accompanying Identification (ie. Drivers License etc.). Players between the age of 12 and 18 are governed by your Hockey Branch’s (Alliance, OMHA, GTHL) Policy