2019-2020 A - Intermediate - OWHA #2746 | Dec 16, 2019 | Clara Lochner | 1892 views
On Sunday, December 15th, the Kitchener Lady Rangers Intermediate A team went to the Kitchener Fire Station 1 on Strasburg Road to share in their holiday spirit.
For the past couple of years, the Intermediate A team has participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange with a little twist: instead of buying gifts for one another, the girls pick names of another player on the team and buy a toy that they think represents that player. All of the toys that we buy are then donated to the toy drive put on by the Waterloo Knights of Columbus.
Community members can drop off their toys at Kitchener Fire Stations. Our team took a trip to the station on Sunday to exchange our gifts and set them under the tree.
We would like to thank Tom O'Hara, the Public Education Officer for the Kitchener Fire Department, for helping us organize and implement our toy exchange, as well as allowing us to come to the fire hall and learn about all that the hardworking and brave individuals of the fire department do for our community. As hockey players, we were able to understand and connect with the teamwork and camaraderie that goes into firefighting.
We would like to encourage ALL teams in the KMHA to participate in the toy drive! If every team in the organization came together to donate toys to this wonderful cause, it would make the world of a difference to many children this holiday season.
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!