GHD Set-up and Tear Down Crew (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

PrintGHD Set-up and Tear Down Crew

Role: (Title of Role)

Girls’ Hockey Day Set-up and Tear Down Crew

Role Type: (Application, Board Appointment)

Event Volunteer

Date: (Date Description was created)


Revision Date: (Date Description was last revised)

Click or tap to enter a date.

Written By: (Position of the person writing the description)

Girls Hockey Day Chairperson

Core Purpose: (Include a brief description of the purpose of this position; i.e. to provide support during tournaments.)

To assist with the set-up and tear down of the Girls’ Hockey Day event

Term of Service: (State length of time required: i.e. 4-hour shift, September to April, September to January, etc.)

Approximately 3 hours for set-up, the evening before the event (approximately 6-9pm)

Approximately 3 hours for tear-down, the evening of the event (approximately 7-10pm)

Time Commitment: (Please indicate: None, Low, Medium, High, in each month below)

None; Low: 1-6 Hours per week; Medium: 7-15 Hours per week; High: 16+ Hours per week













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Choose an item.

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Choose an item.

Choose an item.

This position reports to:

Girls Hockey Day Chairperson

This position can be complete by a person:

14 years of age or greater

☐ 18 years of age or greater

* Please note this may require a: (Select all that apply)

☐ Police Check

☐ Respect in Sport (Official not Parent)

☐ Gender Identity and Gender Expression Training

☐ Coach Certification; Specify Level Choose an item.

☐ Trainers Certificate

Role Description: (Provide a description of the role, including key accountabilities)

Key Responsibilities

· Set-up

o Assist with the set-up of tables used for the event by vendors and committee

o Assist with the set-up of the inflatable shooting machine

o Assist in the hanging of banners or any event advertising

o Assist in the preparation of gift packages for the teams

· Tear Down

o Assist with the tear down of all of the above


Does this role require position specific training?


Training to be provided by:

Not Required

Please click on the following link, to apply for this position