Apr 20, 2024 | Kris Hopper | 664 views
Second Tryout
The coaching staff would like to thank all players for their hard work on the ice tonight, and all families for supporting their player through this busy tryout season. *Please note that no releases will occur until after tomorrow’s ice time. Releases will be posted here, on the team webpage no later than 8PM*Tomorrow, from 2:30-3:30 will be a skills and drills session and from 3:30-5:30 will be an intersquad game. All players whose tryout I.D numbers are listed below will be attending the full session from 2:30-5:30 and will take part in both the skills session and the intersquad game. 582, 171, 855, 654, 401, 734, 238, 186, 793, 233, 790, 152, 123, 349, 600, 257, 189, 450, 109, 051, 343, 696, 643, 587, 313, 781, 987, 458, 999, 872, 120, 950, 453, 542, 600, 749, 617, 180