Apr 27, 2024 | Jesse Brooks | 561 views
Welcome To U16 A/AA
With evaluations approaching, we would like to post the following reminders..
Please ensure that the athlete is registered for the evaluations ahead of time by following the online process. Athletes not registered ahead of time will not be permitted to participate in the evaluations.
Please arrive no later than one hour early for each ice time to ensure adequate time for off-ice warm up.
Remember proper off-ice attire (i.e. shorts, running shoes)
For the first session, please check-in to receive your athlete identification number and jersey.
The athlete number you receive will be your identification number for the entirety of the tryout process.
Jerseys should be hung up after each ice time for collection. Jerseys will be redistributed each ice time.
For athletes who are released throughout the tryout process and would like additional feedback; please feel free to reach out to the coaching staff. Please be mindful that it is a busy week, and allow until the end of the tryout process for a detailed response.
Look forward to seeing you at the rink.
U16 A/AA Coaching Staff