May 02, 2024 | Jesse Brooks | 602 views
At this time the following players are being released from the tryout process:
111 113 129 119
130 106 118 120
123 107 108 114
133 104 127 128
We would like to thank these players for their hard work and wish the all the best in the upcoming season.
These players should look to the KMHA website for the B/BB registration process.
Any players looking for additional feedback are welcome to reach out by email. Please remember this is a busy week for the coaching staff and allow until the end of the tryout process for a response. This allows the coaching staff to provide detailed feedback.
Players that are invited to continue the tryout process should come prepared to dress for tomorrow's ice time. This ice time will be a skills session.
Thank you,
U16 A/AA Coaching Staff