Effective Today Friday Feb 2nd Join KMHA Live and on Demand on LiveBarn! Read on for more details...
KMHA is please to announce the launch of LiveBarn streaming and on demand video in most KMHA utilized Arenas. (Standard LiveBarn Subscription rates apply unless you use promocode:
kmha-live to save 10%) Video will be available for streaming at the following Kitchener venues.
Activa Sportsplex
- Tom Graham Arena
- PJD Arena
SportsWorld Crossing Arena
- Spectator Pad
- Practice Pad
Don McLaren Arena
Grand River Arena
Lions Arena
*Video is not available at the Auditorium Arenas due to pre existing broadcast agreements.*
To register for a LiveBarn account simply follow this link:
Sign Up (livebarn.com) and save 10% by using the promocode:
Once you have an account simply select any LiveBarn venue at this link:
Search (livebarn.com) to watch the video if it is available.
Don't miss out on the action if you are travelling or if you are a proud support of a KMHA player and live in another geographic area. Just "Stream On" in and watch the FUN!

As part of this roll out KMHA has partnered with Alliance Hockey one of our Governing bodies and its other members so that you can use the same subscription to watch your favorite players in other Alliance communities. Alliance communities with LiveBarn include but are not limited to (Like Kitchener not all arenas have LiveBarn Installed):
To learn more about live barn please follow this link
LiveBarn to their Website or if you have a question(s) please follow this link to their
FAQ (livebarn.com).
Important notes:
LiveBarn is
not a mandatory program of KMHA but rather a value add for those that need or just want it. The following signage will be present at arenas to let you know that LiveBarn is present.

This video will be used by KMHA for developmental as well as investigative purposes. A document and policy outlining the use of video from LiveBarn will be posted in the coming weeks, till then the video is for enjoyment and team review purposes.
Team Accounts: Teams at KMHA will need to create and pay for a subscription to LiveBarn to make use of video. please remember to use the promocode kmha-live to get a 10%discount. Please be sure you are subscribing to the correct account type to be able to download and review video. For analytics and video breakdown there are many third party options lease reach out to your convenor for ideas on where to go.
Non KMHA Programs: If you represent a non-KMHA program and you would like to have the video turned on for your participants, pleas reach out to Rolland Cyr at
[email protected].