Mar 29, 2016 | Mike Radatus | 500 views
The Record Cup Champions, Kitchener Atomc Black
Kitchener is home of The Record Cup after the Atomc Black beat the Waterloo Atomc Orange 8-0.
Will Halter led the way with a hat trick and an assist on the night. Tyler Oude-Voshaar (assist), Braydon Houlihan, Owen Chard (assist) , Zackary Zister and Brody Voll (assist) all had goals. Brett Herniman and Jacob Ancich both had two helpers while Kodi Blackshaw also had an assist.
Aiden Radatus posted a shutout. It was his second Tournament shutout and sixth of the season.
This was the 4th championship for the Black team and they remain undefeated in tournament play. The game was one of their signature team games with the players passing the puck well and supporting each other in puck battles.
Despite their success the team is poised and determined to have a successful showing in the Alliance Championships. They understand the honour in representing Kitchener and want nothing more then bringing home a banner for the rafters of the home Activa rink.
The players would like to thank everyone involved in the team for the support!
Go Black!