Tryout - Sunday PM Teams, News, U11 BB/B Blue (2012), BB/B, 2022-2023, REP (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 24, 2022 | Darcy England | 569 views
Tryout - Sunday PM Teams
Sunday PM tryout times are now posted.

Ice Time 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm
Team 1 - Blue Team 1 - Red Team 2 - Blue Team 2 - Red Team 3 - Blue Team 3 - Red
Goalies Kemp Tsarfati Zimic Rodrigues Cochrane Ortmanns
McKee Hynes
Players Adkin Bourassa Generoux Lang Moore Scharlach
Archer Brown Harris Lewis Morris Schultz
Assaf Campbell Hitchman Locke Neilson Shurr
Barlow Corless Hunter Macgillivary Nikiforov Smith
Beaney Dentinger Hynes McCowan Piticco Sneddon
Bergsma Double Jacobs McCrea Robitaille Sousa
Bilkas Duguay Jagas McNamara Rowell Van Beek
Birkner England Kuntz Menjivar Ryan Vos