Sep 24, 2022 | Tim Knight | 423 views
Try out details
Team 1
Ice times September 25 5:15-6:45 Activa
September 26 5:15-6:45 Sports World
Russell F, Greyson F, landon P, Ashton Cha, Dylan H, Carson C-T, Jacob W, Joe L, Gavin M, Braiden W, Cooper S, Wyatt S, Kayden T, Tyler N, Mitchell P
Team 2
Ice Times September 25 5:15 -6:45 Activa
September 26 6:45-8:15 Sports World
Callum C, Brendan G, Ashton Cl, Reid B, Max R, Micah A, Mathieu F, Mikey H, Mason J, Kaiden M-J, Blake N, Cameron S, Alex W, Noah F, Logan H, Joshua M
Team 3
Ice Times September 25 6:45-8:15
September 26 5:15-6:45
Carson K, Ryan B, Trentin B, Jack Smith, Jackson Smith, Cameron R, Jason P, Liam A, Max S, Owen B, Ryan R, Carson B, Tate H, Peter K, Brayden R, Griffen M
Team 4
Ice Times September 25 6:45-8:15
September 26 6:45-8:15
David L, Cole H, Wyatt F, James Smith, Lincoln Y, Jake T, Blake S, Patrick W, Sebastien A, Carter M, Nolan H, Carson K, Liam B, Tyson E, Luka P, James Slade, Zach G
If you do not see your name, please let me know at the Following [email protected].
Good luck to everyone looking forward to seeing you at the rink