Kitchener Lady Rangers U18 “A’s” said thanks to a “fabulous five” group of players
who are leaving KLR U18 hockey.
With the end of the regular season, so comes the last few weeks of U18 "A" hockey for several of our players. The juniors took the time to recognize and thank five Lady Rangers who will be leaving the line up at seasons end.
Joining us for her first year of “A” hockey and wearing red, white, and blue, Ms. McVicar brought her speed and hockey sense, in helping to round out a solid back end this season. Her offensively minded defense abilities always added to the game’s excitement for players, coaches, and fans alike. You excelled in both the D-Zone and O-Zone on ice, and we hope you continue your development no matter what “zone” you find yourself in with life.
Backstopping us for a second season, Ms. Imeson Jorna’s “healthy” on ice performance was key to our season’s success with half of her games played being shut outs. Rarely seen without a smile, Ms. Imeson Jorna played in 44 games over the two successful seasons of play, with a .929 save percentage and 1.14 GAA. We know you can handle all those “shots” that come at you in life and wish you continued success and good health along the way.
Returning on Defense for her second season with us, Ms. Baker was our defensive anchor and go to for last minute, power play and penalty kill needs. A player of few words, she let her on ice performance speak on her behalf and was a “leader without wearing a letter”. Society places many “titles” on positions (boss, supervisor, sergeant, captain). Just because you don’t have a “title” doesn’t mean that you are not a leader. Lead wherever it is you go Baker. You are able, you are capable, you can, and you should.
Also returning for a second season with us at forward, Ms. Adam amassed a record team low of thirteen penalty minutes over eighty-five games played. Consistently ranking top three in almost every on ice and off ice testing category, your dedication to off ice fitness and on ice leadership was second to none. Hard work, commitment, and dedication are all things that we can’t teach. You either “have it” or you don’t. You “have it” Maddy Adam. Continue to use it and success in life is yours!
Returning for her third season with us (is this the definition of insanity Phelan?), Ms. Phelan played one hundred and twenty-eight games of U18 “A” Lady Rangers hockey. An assistant captain for the first two seasons and our “Captain” this season, we felt like we had won the lottery with your return to us each season. We could not have asked for anything more in such a polite, respectful, and hardworking player and leader. We are mindful that you could have left and played hockey at a higher level but chose to remain with us and for that we are truly appreciative. Thanks for being such a great player, leader, and young lady that you are. These attributes will serve you well in life.
On behalf of Tim, Sarah, James and Kenny, we wish you all the best of luck with your future endeavor’s ladies. If you need anything from us, we are only a rink (or phone call) away!