Mar 09, 2015 | Daryll Smith | 939 views
Provincial Bound
CONGRATULATIONS to all the Kitchener
Lady Ranger Bantam A players and staff for qualifying for the 2014 - 2015 OWHA
Provincial Championships!
Sincere congratulations to all the Kitchener Lady Ranger Bantam A players and staff for qualifying for the 2014 - 2015 OWHA Provincial Championships. Although some may “expect” to qualify yearly, it is something that should never be taken for granted. A sincere thanks to the Waterloo Ravens for three well played qualifying games.
There are no guarantees going forth to Provincials. Anything can happen once your there which is the true importance of having met your goal in qualifying. If you continue your hard work over the next month and commit to playing Lady Ranger Hockey, you will compete against anyone. We hope you all believe in yourselves as much as we believe in each and everyone of you.
On behalf of Bill, Katie, Sarah and Tim, congratulations on being the "M" Region representatives for the 2014 - 2015 OWHA Provincial Championships.