Sep 17, 2011 | Sean Ellis | 1306 views
Black is Back!
After a great summer a new Black Team has been selected. Our final try out against the Brantford 99'ers has allowed us to see what great talents our 2004 team has to offer. The coaching staff can't wait to see all the boys grow and develop as the season continues. We have lots of speed, some great shots and a passion for the game.
We would like to extend a special thank you to all the kids who came to try outs and we wish you the best of luck at The "Mighty Ducks" try outs starting Next Saturday September 24, 2011 @ 9:45 am. The second thank you to the ducks coaches who assisted us on ice with our ice try outs. Your time and commitment is greatly appreciated.
Here is the 2011-12 roster.
1 - Tanner D.
31 - Liam H.
4 - Ryan M.
7 - Kyloe E.
9 - Ben G.
10 - James S.
14 - Ethan H.
15 - Collin A.
16 - Kyle W.
22 - Drew G.
23 - Ryan M.
44 - Dakoda B.
55 - Zacharie l.
66 - Riley S.
77 - Dreyden L.
88 - Cody F.
91 - Carter A.