A-3.1: Police Check Policy, A-3: KMHA Selection Policy, Administrative Policies, GENERAL POLICIES, KMHA Manual of Operations (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

PrintA-3.1: Police Check Policy
KMHA: Policy # A3.1

Title:  Police\Vulnerable Sector Check Policy 

Rational:   To protect the participants of our programs, to remain in compliance with HC requirements 

Policy Statement:  All KMHA perspective volunteers over the age of 18 are required to submit a current Police\Vulnerable Sector Check check in order to participate as a volunteer in our program. This police check will be paid for by KMHA at the current rate offered to volunteers of not for profits by the WRPS.

Police checks are considered current if they were processed in the last 3 months. 

Police checks will be initially reviewed by the registrar and any checks that are not clear of any infractions will be referred to the vetting committee comprising of The General Manager, The President, The Past President and the Risk Manager (as appointed by the executive of the board of directors).  2 of 4 of these members must vet any checks with infractions utilizing the standards set by Hockey Canada. It is KMHA’s right to be more stringent than Hockey Canada should they feel the need. (4 people are on the committee to ensure the work is completed in a timely fashion) 
A pass will be issued if the police\vulnerable sector check is clear of any offense(s) or if there are no dissenters against a present infraction. Infractions will be considered according to the criteria provided by Hockey Canada. If questions arise the application and check will be sent to the Ontario Hockey Federation for consideration.  

Once vetted people passing will be entered into the Hockey Canada system and staff will record the date passed as well as the date due. 

Pass/Fail for the police checks will be communicated to the perspective volunteers by the committee.  Once recorded the police checks will be returned to the volunteers in a sealed envelope or destroyed.  There will be no appeal of decisions regarding pass/fail with KMHA as these matters are adjudicated at the OHF level and an appeal can be made there.