KMHA: Policy # F9
Title: Championship Finance Policy
Policy Statement: OHF and OWHA (Provincial Championships)
Bus is supplied for OHF and OWHA championship if the distance is sufficient to warrant special transportation. Cost to the team is subject to formulas as per KMHA championship policy.
Accommodations: Compensated in full for team staff. A maximum of 3 rooms for 6 coaching staff, plus, a KMHA Director of Representative and an additional League convenor as appointed by the Director of Rep Hockey. 1(one) room
Meals: $35.00 per day – (6 team staff)
$35.00 per day KMHA reps
League Banquet: The KMHA is to cover the costs of banquet tickets for board members, league convenors, and championship teams and staff. Note: KMHA may make application to other financial sources to offset the costs. The KMHA budget reflects a charge per player in the rep. Division for a reserve fund for provincial and national championships.