KMHA: Policy # F5
Title: Fundraising
Policy Statement: Proceeds from fundraising events are to be used to offset approved budget expenditures and/or a player’s portion of KMHA Rep fees. All fundraising activities must be approved by the KMHA General Manager and reported to the team via the applicable Director before a fundraising activity can be done. This is done through the completion of the KMHA Fundraising Request form. A $5 processing fee is associated with each form, however multiple fundraisers can be put on each form. Fundraised fees are not considered parent contributions and are therefore not eligible for refund. Parents/players cannot receive more money back at the end of the year than they paid in combined ‘base’, ‘team’ and ‘rep’ fees.
- Should a fundraiser be passed with the intention of being a team fundraiser this must be voted on in front a KMHA delegate or by e-mail with a unanimous trail of e-mails.
- Fundraising events can be conducted by an individual player/parent, a group of players/parents or the entire team - Funds raised by the individual, group or team must be submitted to the team treasurer for allocation of the funds to each player. Funds may not be kept by a parent initially. This is to protect all KMHA fundraising from misappropriation and fraud.
- Excess of funds raised over the combined total of base, team and rep fees are not disbursed until the closing of the team budget/bank account
- If the accumulation of payments made by parent/players, plus funds raised, is equal to or exceeds payments due to the team (per the pre-determined schedule), further payments do not have to be made to the team
- payments must resume if the accumulation falls below the required scheduled payment amounts
- Any funds raised over the combined total of base, team and rep fees for a player will be put towards the remainder of the overall team expenses, to specific player(s) or to Donna’s Kids
- this decision is to be made by the parent/player with the excess funds
- If there are any funds left over after all players have been reimbursed, the excess funds will be donated to Donna’s Kids
- Each team must select a ‘Fundraising Co-ordinator’ to control the documents and the reporting/allocation of funds raised
- Banners are considered to be team fundraising activities and funds are allocated to each player based on the percentage of funds raised, after the cost of the banner.
- FallFest (girl’s hockey) silent auction is considered a Team fundraising activity and all funds are split equally among all players on the team that had participated in the silent auction
- Other Team fundraisers (BBQ’s, bottle drives etc) are allocated equally among the players that have participated in the fundraising activity
- Funds can be used towards costs not included in the original budget, provided 100% of the team agree on the costs (a silent ballet vote must be conducted and supervised by a KMHA executive/designate) and those who do not have fundraising funds available must agree to pay their share on their own
1. Any parent of a player that wants to start a fundraising activity must communicate their intentions to the Fundraising Co-ordinator.
2. The Fundraising Co-ordinator will communicate this activity to ALL parents/players to get a list of all parents/players that are interested in this fundraising activity. This will ensure everyone has the option of participating and that no family is left out. A suggestion is to keep a list of ‘Yes’s’, ‘NO’s’ and ‘No reply’s’.
3. The Fundraising Co-ordinator must complete a Fundraising Request Form and submit it to the KMHA General Manager for approval prior to beginning the fundraising activity. This form must list the parent/player name(s) or the team name that is/are participating in the activity. The above list of yes/no/no reply should accompany the form. The form must be signed by the Fundraising Co-ordinator before being sent for approval.
4. The prepared form is sent for approval and returned to the team via the Director responsible for that particular team once it has been approved by the KMHA General Manager.
5. A copy of the approved form should be given to the team Treasurer and the team Manager. The applicable Director should keep a copy as well.
6. Funds raised should be given to the Fundraising Co-ordinator who will record the total of the funds raised as well as the amount per player/parent that have participated in the activity.
7. The Treasurer will deposit the funds and record the revenue in the budget template workbook.
8. The funds raised per parent/player must also be recorded for the purpose of accurate year end reimbursements.
9. When summarizing the financial activities of the team to the Director, the fundraising forms should be submitted at the same time to confirm funds raised vs activities applied for. Multiple fundraising activities can be listed on one form for submission and approval.
Concept to Fundraising Chair and Team Manager
Ideas are brought to the team Manager and Fundraising chair to ensure fundraisers are inclusive in approach. All parents/families are offered to participate.
KMHA Fundraising for sent for approval: at
[email protected] Subject: Fundraising
1. Questions and confirmation are completed at this step to ensure fundraisers meet KMHA/Hockey Canada Criteria.
2. Manager/Fundraising Chair answers questions and communicates with team fundraisers
Reply to team Manager/Fundraising Chair
Execution of Fundraisers that were approved