KJR 14.2 Seeded and BB/B Level, 14 Coaching Selection Policy, Kitchener Junior Rangers Manual, KMHA Manual of Operations (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

PrintKJR 14.2 Seeded and BB/B Level


KMHA: Policy # KJR - 14.2

Title: Seeded and BB/B Level

Policy Statement: 
1. Coaching Staffs will be evaluated during the year by the League Convenor and Coordinator, written reports will be filed in the office. 
2. If there is an agreement that the staff is performing at the expected level set by both KMHA and the League Convenor, this staff may be offered the position for the following year. 
3. If no existing staff is available, KMHA will accept applications and/or recruit for the position. 
4. It is KMHA’s preference is to have nonparent coaching staff at rep programming levels. 
5. KMHA will only interview candidates that they would consider for the position.