2. Boundaries for Coaching Staff, A. Fair Play and Coaching Boundaries and Job Descriptions, KMHA Boys House League Manual, KMHA Manual of Operations (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

Print2. Boundaries for Coaching Staff
KMHA: Policy # HL - A2

Title: Boundaries for Coaching Staff

Policy Statement:

Please refer to the “Respect in Sport” and “KMHA Abuse and Harassment” Policies

  • A coaching philosophy of positive and constructive feedback is a healthier learning environment for players. Punishing and negative criticism will create negative emotional responses from a child.
  • Ensure that all players receive the same attention. Singling out or isolating one child can be a high risk situation.
  • Players respond to corrective measures better than criticism.
  • Coaching staff members must follow the rules as explained in this manual. Unless otherwise specified, failure to follow the rules as defined will be dealt as follows:
    • 1st offence will result in a verbal warning
    • 2nd offence will result in a written warning
    • 3rd offence will result in a one game suspension
    • 4th offence will result in a 5 game suspension
    • 5th offence will result in being suspended for the rest of the current season
  • Coaching staffs that break the rules in a semi-final or Championship game will be dealt with by the KMHA as such incidents occur through a formal hearing involving the Convenor, Director and 3rd VP. Any consequences will be determined at that hearing.
  • Convenors have the right to remove a coach from the bench during a game. Convenors decisions are final.
  • Any coach that pulls their team and/or staff from the bench before the game has ended will be suspended indefinitely pending a hearing by representatives of the KMHA Board of Directors. The hearing will determine if the coach is to be suspended for one calendar year as per the guidelines of the governing bodies of Hockey in Canada.
  • If a staff member has resigned or been removed from a coaching staff, they can no longer make use of personal information to contact former team members in any way.

Discipline and consequences for actions related to breaking the rules as set forth by the Governing Bodies of Hockey in Canada will be handled as written by those organizations.

The Kitchener Minor Hockey Association (KMHA) operates within the Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario (MHAO), the South Western Girls Hockey League (SWGHL), North Metro Girls Hockey League (NMGHL), the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA) and Hockey Canada (HC). The KMHA House League rules are intended to supplement, or supersede, all Hockey Canada rules currently in effect.

Coaching Ride Rules

KMHA supports the guidelines as explained in the Respect in Sport program regarding the issue of giving players a ride. We ask that coaches do not give rides to other players. You may drive your own child and can pick up another child if parental permission is given, but the KMHA discourages all Coaches/Trainers/Managers from doing this. If you are a coach without a son on the team you will not be allowed, under any circumstances, to give a player a ride, even if there are two adults in the car. Failure to follow these rules will result in suspension by the league.