3. Appendix C - Additional Suspension Policy, E. Appendices, KMHA Boys House League Manual, KMHA Manual of Operations (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

Print3. Appendix C - Additional Suspension Policy
KMHA: Policy # HL - E3

 Appendix C - Additional Suspension Policy

Policy Statement:
Below is a list of suspensions that will be applied in addition to the OHF minimum suspension. These are mandatory suspensions in KMHA House league play. Coaches are responsible to ensure they are enforced and that game sheets are monitored and suspensions/misconducts served. If in doubt – ASK! League officials have the ability to apply suspensions beyond the ones below.

Minor Penalties
3 occurrences of a minor in a game. (A double
minor is one occurrence)
Removal from current game – GE56. 

Multiple Misconducts
3rd or 4th 10-minute misconduct in current season 1 game suspension 
5th misconduct 2 game suspension
6th misconduct 3 game suspension 
Incremental increase

1st fight OHF minimum – current game and 1 game 
2nd fight  2 games in addition to current game 
3rd fight  5 games in addition to current game 
4th fight  Disciplinary hearing – not less than 6 games 
 Note: If one player in the fight is the instigator or aggressor the player defending himself will only be given the OHF minimum and the incident will not be included in the Additional Suspension Policy.

Instigator (INS) or Aggressor (AGG) penalty – only given if player is the initiator of a fight
1st incident OHF minimum – current game and 1 game 
2nd incident  2 Games in addition to current game 
3rd incident  5 games in addition to current game 
4th incident  Disciplinary hearing – not less than 6 games 
Note: These suspensions are in addition to any suspensions for fighting 

Multiple Suspensions
First or Second Suspension (Suspension for
Fighting and Instigator\Aggressor not included)
Suspension as per the OHF list. 
Third Suspension (includes Fighting or Instigator\Aggressor) Add 1 game to any suspensions currently applied (OHF and above) 
Fourth Suspension (includes Fighting or Instigator\Aggressor)  Add 2 games to any suspensions currently applied (OHF and above) 
Fifth Suspension (includes Fighting or Instigator\Aggressor) Add 5 games to any suspensions currently applied (OHF and above)