Mar 08, 2012 | cherylj | 1724 views
"WOW!" is all I can say.
The parents and coaching staff were blown away. What we have been striving to see all year long came together in this one game against Brantford. If anyone had doubts about our team they don’t anymore.It was absolutely amazing and now they have set the bar. They did everything great on every line and every shift. The fore checking, back checking, passing, shooting, speed and First to the puck, all connected and I am so proud of each and every one of them. That was a full team effort, for the full game.
They proved to themselves that it is possible and I hope that they will continue in the same fashion for our next four playoff games. I feel bad for any parent who missed that game, you would never believe it and better than watching the Leafs that night (hahaha!).
We have had some good games, but that was outstanding. It was a brand new team that came together on that night, as friends and teammates. For coaches, it is the best feeling to be able to stand back and watch your team pull it all together. The boys made it happen! Blue team rocked the arena and we hope to see more of that for the rest of the season. I even heard one player say to me “wow you are really happy and excited” and that was the emotion I was hoping to show all of them – I was one proud coach of an awesome team!
Now let's not relax, we need to be first to the puck.
Go Blue!
Coach Cindy