Dec 06, 2011 | cherylj | 997 views
Bulington Tournament
Wow, what an exciting and fun weekend.
We started off playing Friday afternoon against Hamilton Cyclones and what a great game that was for both teams. The score ended 3-1 for MD Blue – great way to start the tournament.
Then we had our second game on Friday which was another exciting game and was 1-1 going into the third period and we let it get away and London-West won 4-1 but great effort by everyone.
In order to advance to the Semi finals we had to win our game Saturday afternoon against London-West again. I told the boys that the tournament can end now and we go home or you can come out strong and advance to the Semi final. They truly worked hard the full three periods and with the score 1-0 into the third period for London we tied it up with minutes left in the game. This created the game to go 4on4, 3on3, 2on2 and then shoot outs. I don’t like games ending this way, but it sure created a lot of excitement for the players, coaches and parents. Our first shooter scored and so did London. Scoreless for both teams the next two shooters and then the third shooter scored for MD Blue and it ended with a disappointing loss for London-West, however they played a strong game right along with us the full game. I have been telling the boys that sometimes you work hard and you don’t win so it was nice to finally get a chance to say that if you work hard the full game sometimes things will go your way and this was the game it did. To see how excited they all were was a championship win for our team, they all deserved it.
We then played a few hours later in the Semi final, but unfortunately we had nothing left in the tanks and Burlington came on strong to win a 5-0 game.
MD Blue you had a great weekend with your friends/team, we had a great team and player meeting and more and more the team is becoming one. Hanging around together in the pool and restaurants brought the kids one step closer together as friends and a team.
All coaches are proud of the effort the team gave this weekend and look forward to more successes and development.We have a big week ahead with four hard games, so come prepared to play strong and as a team.
Coach Cindy