Season Update, News, Minor Atom Blue, 2011-2012, MD (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2011-2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 13, 2012 | cherylj | 893 views
Season Update
 Well the first part of our season is over.  We have experienced some successes and some frustrations throughout the first part.  Here is where I see our team as a coach:

We started the year with a mix of skill levels and individual play and I think we are now really starting to work as a team and come together.  We came up against a lot of great teams and we just couldn’t win (which is okay) we are learning.  A lot of our games were only a matter of a goal or two difference which means we are still in the game.  As coaches we have been working a lot on positioning  and moving the puck (teamwork).  This is hard for players to understand when they naturally want to chase the puck or get the puck and control it from one end of the ice to the other.  After four months our team has improved tremendously. 

If you are the type of person who looks at the standings then you may disagree with me, but from a coach who saw her team at the beginning of the year (individual players) and four months later, I see a totally different team (teamwork).  I think we are really coming along.  We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but we are moving from first gear to second gear.

As coaches, we will not be able to teach them everything in one year.  However, our job is to teach them correctly and as much as we can.  We are not only here to teach them what they can do this year, but to teach them proper skills, development and team play that will help for years to come.  That takes time. 

I am very proud of how far we have come and look forward to how much further we will go by the end of the year.  We had a relaxed first part of the season with limited ice times and now we are going into overdrive.  So depending on the type of hockey parent you are, you either enjoyed the first half of the season or will enjoy the second half.

The kids will get out of practice what they put into it.  If they think they will learn by playing games they will not develop.  Learning in practice, making mistakes and doing the drills correctly will help them learn how to use each skill as the situation requires in games.  We may or may not win a lot of games this season, but our goal is to develop your child as much as we can in the year.  I think we are on our way to being very successful with that and that is what MD is about – developing the kids. 

I have a great group of players and parents which is really helping the season go well and I thank all of you for that.  As coaches it is not easy and we are always questioning ourselves if we are teaching them too quickly, at too of an advanced level, too many expectations, etc.  It is stressful trying to make the correct decisions that are best for everyone on the team so your support has been appreciated. 

I have always welcomed the parents to be open with me and ask questions.  The more you are included the more you can support what I am saying or doing as a coach. We will work together as one big team.  I know the kids are having fun and that is very important.  At nine years old, we never know what team will come out to play.  I guess that is the innocence of kids.  Any team can win on any given day.  Canada didn’t expect to miss the gold medal match and Russia didn’t expect to lose in the finals.  It happens at every level of play.

I am known for my long emails, but I just wanted you to know that even though the standings don’t show it, we are having a successful year with the kids.  All the new friendships they have created is what they will remember and hopefully you as parents will notice the development in each of your children.

Here is to a great second part of the season and more successes as a team.

Coach Cindy

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