Dec 05, 2017 | Chris Berscht | 1429 views
Tournament Champions in Belle River!
This past weekend the Tyke Black participated in the 17th Annual Randy Merten / Dan Holland Memorial Tournament in Belle River, ON. Many of our boys competitive spirit and drive was on display as they played through illnesses. The hard work put forth resulted in them winning the MD Tyke Silver Championship! It was an amazing weekend of family and team fun as well as great results on the ice.
Tyke Black went 5-1 in the tournament allowing only 7 GA and earning 26 GF.
The coaches are extremely proud of all the work the boys have put into their season so far that set the stage for this tournament win. The boys understand that to win games they need to work harder than their opponents both in games and at practices, and their championship win is proof that they accomplished that.
Way to go Tyke Black!