EAST/CENTRAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS!, News, Minor Atom Red, 2017-2018, MD (Kitchener Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
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Mar 21, 2018 | Sean Rutherford | 1905 views

Congratulations to our Minor Atom Red boys...

31 regular season games and just 3 losses, the boys were recently recognized with their League Championship banner and medals for the East/Central division.

We couldn't be more proud of this group of players.  They have worked so hard for the past six and a half months to buy into our development program and challenges we set out for them.  Way to go RED!!!



Adams Landscape Supply
Thank you to Adams supply for their sponsorship of our team. Please consider Adams when you require a home "do it yourself" project, they are an excellent company to work with!!!
Our Minor Atom Red Rangers would like to thank Rexall for their support! With more than 450 Rexall and Pharma Plus locations in 180 communities across Canada, Rexall has become one of the most trusted brands in the Country. "Feel better Canada!" Thank you Rexall...
Special thank you to Dave Dawe for sponsoring our Red Rangers and becoming one of our LARGEST single sponsors! This is especially significant since Dave doesn't have a child involved with our group of players and he wanted to support our TEAM!!! Thank you Dave!
Thank you to DK2 for their support of our Red Rangers! Please see their website for further information as a leading company for truck and auto accessories.
Lifetouch Canada
Thank you to Lifetouch Canada for supporting our Minor Atom Red team! Lifetouch works with over 250 Schools in the Region, providing student portraits and yearbooks to 9 out of every 10 students in the Region. Lifetouch outfitted our boys with Bauer jackets and team photos for the entire team.
Precision Hair Gallery
Special thank you to Aaron from Precision Hair Gallery for supporting our Team.