Dec 18, 2011 | Ian Dewar | 655 views
White Carries Out Plan to Perfection in 1-0 Win.
Marko had the lone goal and Stormy had the shutout in Team White's 1-0 win over Burlington Red, but there's much more to the story.
With our players not carrying the puck over the river, turnovers were way down and odd man rushes were also reduced. Our centres, Preston, Pep and Pete (Cole), The Three P's, led the charge, distributing the puck to our wingers throughout the game. This led to many chances, as White pressure kept the puck in the Burlington end. When called upon, our defence of Jack, Logan, Max, Luke, Robert and Ben stood tall and forced the players to the outside.
Congratulations to Max, for his strong defensive play and his awesome rushes, for winning the White Helmet.
On to Hamilton today to take on the Spitfires.