Sep 17, 2015 | Eric Smallacombe | 1176 views
Fidays Intersquad games
Attention all players & parents: Not all players are listed on these two teams.
The coaches do require you to be at the rink for the end of tryouts for either making Team Red or continuing on to Team Blues tryouts which take place Sunday at 11:15-12:15. DO NOT LEAVE THE RINK Friday after the game.... a line up will be formed and a room set up for players to talk with the coaches. No player will be cut from MD tryouts completely just a verification as to what step they will take on next.
Game lineups below
Forwards LW - C - RW
432 433 457
429 454 110
465 441 126
Defence LD - RD
420 469
435 470
409 119
Goalies 400 401 471 (will rotate through like Wednesday)
Forwards LW - C - RW
117 120 438
107 442 103
125 450 404
Defence LD - RD
127 472
425 463
105 452
The following players are not playing in the game and are required to be at the rink before 9pm or watch the game if they so chose.
100 406 106 412 421 114 437 451 459 460 466 121 122 466
Lastly yes your player is in the right spot and side. we are looking at different options please talk to your player so he understands, coach Darren and Mike will be at the rink if he has any questions.
Thank you
Coach Darren and Mike