Feb 20, 2012 | Ian Dewar | 861 views
Team White Grabs 1st Place with a 4-3 Win!
Team White turned a 3-1 deficit in Woodstock into a 4-3 win.
Unfortunately, on Sunday, the Coaches' pre game talk had little effect. White came out for a Sunday afternoon skate instead of a Sunday afternoon playoff game. The D backed away and the forwards watched their opponents. 4 minutes into the game we found ourselves down 3-1 and it looked like defeat was only minutes away.
Then something happened......we remembered how to play Novice White Hockey. Skate, skate and attack the puck. Everything changed. We took the play to Woodstock, battled back and with 30 seconds gone in the third we had all the goals we needed. We then hung on for the big W.
With that win White has moved into first place in teh playoff round robin with 4 games remaining.
Once again Marko got us started with the first goal, Sam was up next with helpers from Nick and Cole and then Smitty finished them off with 2 unassisted goals.
Congratulations to Max, whose solid defense and great point shots earned him the White Bucket.